Tag: quiet influence


ALA Appreciates Introverts

It was a privilege to speak last week at the American Library Association conference in Las Vegas, NV.  The focus of my talk was on how librarians can address…

Quiet Influence the Peter Drucker Way

I am delighted that my friend and colleague Bruce Rosenstein offered to write a guest post for this blog. Bruce is a quiet influencer himself who has written two wonderful…

Making Your Presentations Pop

http://youtu.be/KMFvr1VwSSo   Presentations are evolving in intriguing ways.  Quiet Influencers who can synthesize data by packing a powerful visual punch win points. Many of my introverted clients find that…

No free drink?

My friend Marty sent me a text, “Hey, I saw your mug flying home on Delta tonight.” That was a nice surprise and an honor. Delta picked Quiet Influence:The…