Presentations are evolving in intriguing ways. Quiet Influencers who can synthesize data by packing a powerful visual punch win points. Many of my introverted clients find that the anxiety of public speaking lessens when they prepare high impact visuals. These images can express more than any words.
A few examples:
1. The Personal Is Universal
There are stories in photos that can be used to make a point and draw the audience in. A few years back I heard someone give a talk on humor. What I remember is a series of consecutive family photos from the 1960s. One photo after another showed his brothers and sisters wearing the same Halloween warlock costume year after year. The costume became a witch outfit the years the girls wore it. You didn’t have a choice in his family:) My mind flashed back to the unusual costumes of my youth and the lack of choice I had, especially the time Mom dressed me as a Russian Sputnik space rocket complete with aluminum foil and a cone head (still looking for the photo to show you!:)
This kind of creative connection with your audience will help your presentation or sales pitch have the effect you want.
2. Don’t Be Afraid to Go “Out There.”
Here is another example that arrived in my inbox this week from NSA-GA. Designed by member and visual wunderkind Tom Nixon it is such a clever way to promote an event! Do you think that people will be more likely to consider going?
3. Pull Quotes
Finally, take a peek at the creative presentation entrepreneur and visionary Moe Abdou of 33 Voices put together from a recent discussion we had about Quiet Influence. I love the idea of pulling quotes from an audio to make them pop to the surface. He took an interview and made it come alive by inviting listeners and learners in.
How can you be creative in presenting your material? Do tell.