In hindsight, what are some of the lessons you learned from your career?
One of the things that happens when you step into the “seasoned” category is that younger people start asking you about your past. It has been a strange and gratifying experience; now that I am able to connect the dots from my various career experiences, things seem to make more sense. For instance, my job as a career coach helped me recently when I was responding to a reporter’s rapid fire questions about introvert angst. From this rearview mirror perspective I see the same issues repeatedly emerge.
Another example: Spending too much $ on the wrong biz service providers emerges again and again (and again) in the “lessons learned category.” I am a slow learner!
In an interview I did last month with Dez Thornton, top notch speaker, President of NSA-GA and host of the radio show Speaking Insights we discussed the story behind The Introverted Leader and Quiet Influence . I focused on lessons learned from my speaking career. In one story I described leaving the room because I didn’t know how to handle the hostility of a group of downsized IBM employees in the first wave of job cuts ever. But that experience made me realize that I needed to acknowledge the resistance, hurt and anger those people felt; not be afraid to confront those feelings and succumb to my own fears.
It does feel weird to quote myself but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to my own words again! Here are a few:
” Before I selected a niche I didn’t feel like I had a leadership identity when I was speaking on the topic of leadership.”
” The connection is what counts and it leads to business.”
” Speak a lot for practice.”
” Get work from the work that you do.”
” Partner with organizations when you want to work internationally.”
“The book and the speech are symbiotic.”
” I own the role of speaker now from being involved with the National Speakers Association.”
What are your quotes as you look In your own rearview mirror?