Jul 13, 2020
Quiet Influence:The New Wave of Leadership KeynoteMaster Class How do you leverage the quiet influencers in your organization? Did you know that introverts have the most influence when they stop acting like extroverts and rely on their natural strengths? This...
Jul 13, 2020
The Genius of Opposites:Creating Strong Introvert-Extrovert Teams KeynoteMaster Class How do you build high performing introvert-extrovert “genius” teams? Do you characterize yourself as an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? Whatever your style, you have...
Jul 13, 2020
Creating Introvert-Friendly Workplaces:How to Unleash Everyone’s Talent and Performance KeynoteMaster Class What must you do to become an introvert-friendly workplace? As the diversity, equity, and inclusion wave widens and deepens its reach, introversion is becoming...
Jul 12, 2020
The Introverted Leader:Building on Your Quiet Strength KeynoteMaster Class How do you empower introverted leaders? Introverts ARE leaders. This inspirational and practical presentation demonstrates how introverts can use their quiet strengths to conquer leadership...