Category: Jennifer Kahnweiler

World Domination for Introverts

I met author and blogger Sophia Dembling online at the start of the wave of introvert attention.  I love her book The Introvert’s Way, a laugh out loud treatise…

Listen and then do something

Blogger and Skillsoft leader Shawn Hunter has a background as interesting as it gets. As a former ranch hand and teacher in Korea he brings a quirky wit and counterintuitive view…

Introverts Rule (Quietly)

So many of my colleagues are quiet influencers. Julie Winkle Guilioni co-author with Beverly Kaye of  the powerfully packed book Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go  is a quiet…

Remembering an HR Quiet Influencer

One of the things we want to do in this blog is to capture your stories; of those introverted leaders and quiet influencers who have made a difference in…

New Perspective on the Yahoo Move

Since my initial post on this there has been a firestorm of opinion on Mayer’s move to bring people back to the workplace. Women, men and introverted leaders have…