Tag: leader

Jennifer Kahnweiler doing a book signing after a live presentation at the University of Georgia Innovation lab
Jennifer Kahnweiler doing a book signing at the University of Georgia Innovation lab

Four Tips For Delivering an Actual Live Presentation

It’s been almost 2 years since I gave a live presentation in front of an audience! Last week, I eagerly drove up the road to the University of Georgia…


ALA Appreciates Introverts

It was a privilege to speak last week at the American Library Association conference in Las Vegas, NV.  The focus of my talk was on how librarians can address…

Wise Words from an Introverted Chief Nursing Officer

I have a special place in my heart for nurses, especially since my older daughter is a pediatric nurse in a children’s hospital. I found the comments from this self- aware Chief Executive, Joyce Ramsey-Coleman of Children’s Hospital to be on point.

Is the president an introvert?

President Obama an introvert? Note what he tells Ed Henry of CNN at his recent press conference. ” I like to know what I am talking about before I…

Bosses who ask for feedback

If I was an employee again I think I would want to work for this guy – Kevin Sharer, CEO of Amgen.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/29/business/29corner.html?pagewanted A sample from his interview in the…