Category: introvert

Lessons About Courage From A Former High Diver

I once worked for a painfully introverted leader who was one of the most honorable people I’ve ever met. I learned a tremendous amount from him, not because of what he said, but because of who he was. And he didn’t give me any verbal lessons about honor, it was transmitted in the way he carried himself.For the introverted leader, TELL Courage does not necessarily have to be done verbally. Sometimes it is best to talk less and express more. Writing a POV article for the company newsletter, for example, where the leader takes a bold stand, can be an expression of TELL Courage.

Introvert’s Networking Success Tip: Get To Know Me

Certified Career Coach Hallie Crawford (and introvert, I might add) of Create Your Career Path attended a recent workshop I gave on the Introvert’s Career Path to Success. She was inspired to pass on some of her “ah ah’s” about this topic on this brief video, Stop Talking Business at Networking Events. For you visual folks, she summarized her thoughts on her blog (which is full of substance and practical tips)

Do Extroverts Pay More Attention to Faces?

“They (Introverts) just didn’t place a larger weight on social stimuli than they did on any other stimuli, of which flowers are one example,” said.

“[This] supports the claim that introverts, or their brains, might be indifferent to people — they can take them or leave them, so to speak. The introvert’s brain treats interactions with people the same way it treats encounters with other, non-human information, such as inanimate objects for example,” Inna Fishman said.
They concluded that, “The results strongly suggest that human faces, or people in general, hold more significance for extroverts, or are more meaningful for them.”

From The Mouth Of An Introverted Exec

More validation for introverted leaders playing to their strengths. In the Sunday NY Times piece “Rah Rah Isn’t For Everyone” Adam Bryant interviews introverted leader Jilly Stephens, Executive Director…

Introvert Clapton and his guitar

Clapton grew up an introvert. He spent many hours alone with his guitar dealing with a rough childhood, honing his gift. Later on he battled alcohol and drugs. None of that mattered last night.

An Introvert Asks: How Do I Get People to Hear Me At Meetings?

“An Introvert Asks How Do I Get People to Hear Me At Meetings? “After a seminar I did last week for Execunet, I received many questions – some of which I am still responding to (Thank you listeners!) After responding to this question I decided to post it on Linked In and thought the answers were terrific. Ask and ye shall receive. They range from the standard, (“Go to Toastmasters”) to the old teacher trick of waiting until everyone is quiet to strut your stuff.

The Reporter as Introvert

Taylor Mallory, Editor of The Little PINK Book said, “My extroverted manager couldn’t understand why I didn’t seem excited or enthusiastic about ideas that had her out of her chair. But I smiled and, after I thought about it for a moment, said,” I love that” in an elevated pitch. I felt excited, but more so, I was busy thinking about the idea, analyzing how to make it work, how to make it better, where it might cause trouble, what pitfalls we might run into – before I responded. I was in my head for a minute. But having interviewed a million career experts, I know how important showing enthusiasm is. I just didn’t realize mine wasn’t coming across.”

Women – we have come a long way!

Early in the 1960s, a freelance writer from New York, traveling to Boston to interview a psychologist for a book she was working on, stopped by the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and ordered a drink at the bar. “We do not serve women,” the bartender said, and whisked her off to a little lounge off the women’s restroom, where he brought her the whiskey sour.

Practice – the strategy of choice

Mr. Leno continues to be a brute for work. Last year, even working 46 weeks on “Tonight,” he managed to perform his stand-up act on 160 dates. It is not uncommon for him to finish taping a show and then fly off somewhere like Fresno, Calif., where he appeared this summer at a chicken festival in 104-degree heat. He said he had just as many stand-up appearances booked for this year, even with the new show.