Tag: jennifer kahnweiler

Know About Introverted Leaders?

I wrote about how introvert power has taken the world by storm in my last post. Yet, there are still many misconceptions about introverts at work. For instance, many…

Introverts finding their power

I once heard The Introvert Entrepreneur Beth Buelow  joke in an interview with Jonathon Rauch that only a few years ago when you researched the word “introvert”  “serial killer” was…

On Line Social Media Mistakes

Did you know that quiet influencers and introverts use social media in a very thoughtful way to challenge the status quo, provoke new thoughts, inspire others and create change?…

introverted and extroverted leaders Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg

Introverted and Extroverted Leaders

An unlikely pair that works. Sheryl Sandberg and Mark Zuckerberg, COO and CEO of Facebook, respectively are profiled in an intriguing piece by Miguel Helft in the 10/3 edition of the NY Times. I do believe these two demo four key elements that are found in well oiled relationships with the boss.

A Passionate Introvert Speaks Up

Dr. Brian Little’s TedX Talk, Confessions of a Passionate Introvert is great fun and highly relatable. Dr. Little was profiled in Susan Cain’s book Quiet. He also made a…


ALA Appreciates Introverts

It was a privilege to speak last week at the American Library Association conference in Las Vegas, NV.  The focus of my talk was on how librarians can address…