How Do Introverts View “Twitter Friendly” Speeches?


One of my current research findings about introverts is that they use social media with a purpose, taking the time to think about what and how they post information. Alan Stevens, in The Media Coach (text below) makes the case for tweeting before, during and after a speech. Hootsuite and some of the posting tools can be used to implement these ideas and capitalize on the introvert’s propensity for preparation.  I am curious about how introverts view these suggestions, however. I wonder if it is too much unnecessary noise for you introverts who give presentations? Or…. do these ideas work for you?

 This information was written by Alan Stevens, and originally appeared in “The MediaCoach”, his free weekly ezine, available at



It’s taken a while for speakers to get used to that fact that audience members are going to be using their smartphones to tweet their on-stage messages to the outside world. There is still a dwindling minority of presenters who believe that their content is for the exclusive consumption of the people in the room. In fact, that was never the case. Speeches with great messages are talked about by audiences when they leave the room. That’s a hallmark of a great speech.

I expect that you already use Twitter as a medium for feedback and questions during an event. You may also be using tools that will summarise and auto-tweet your slides as you show them (ask me for recommendations of if you don’t use such services already). Here are a few more ideas:

1) Encourage interaction with people outside the room. Send a tweet yourself just before you speak, asking for views on the topic you’re speaking on. Mention the hashtag of the event, and at suitable points in your speech, check the responses. If you’re feeling brave, put them on the big screen. I advise checking them on your smartphone first, though.

2) Include some sound bites, reinforced by graphics, that summarise the key messages of your speech. Spread them out through your delivery, maybe five minutes apart. I guarantee that any active tweeters in the audience will use them. Keep them to 80 characters or less so that your name and the venue can be included in the tweet.

3) Mention, both out loud and in a tweet, that you will be online for an hour or two after your speech to continue the debate on Twitter. The opportunity to debate issues with the speaker themselves will create a lot of buzz.


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