The Introverted Leader:
Building on Your Quiet Strength
How do you empower introverted leaders?
Introverts ARE leaders. This inspirational and practical presentation demonstrates how introverts can use their quiet strengths to conquer leadership challenges. All team members and leaders will see how to get the best out of introverts.
This presentation can be delivered virtually as well as on site. The virtual delivery of this program allows us to reach a larger and more global audience throughout your organization. We incorporate the learnings of introverted leaders from your organization. The focus is on delivering relevant content with variety and connection. We use the chat function, which allows vibrant conversation and engagement on the topic. Using polls and bringing voices into the virtual room also lead to high engagement and high marks from attendees.
Jennifer draws upon her vast experience as a leadership keynote speaker as well as her pioneering research, stories and humor to demonstrate how organizations can harness introvert power. She will walk the audience through a well-oiled leadership and career development process called the 4 P’s. Attendees will learn how Preparing, being Present, Pushing, and Practicing can help us all become the leaders we were meant to be.

- A better understanding of the differences between introverts and extroverts
- Challenges for introverts in a Type A workplace and practical tips for how to overcome them
- The 4 P’s Process of leadership success
- Customized suggestions to help your organization become a more introvert-friendly workplace
- Action steps that can immediately be applied

Master Class
This high impact, half-day workshop blends presentation, high engagement, and follow up telephone group coaching to provide a comprehensive learning experience.
How Introverted Leaders Use Their Strengths to Succeed
Through examples and interaction, you will deepen your understanding of introverted leaders. Who are well known examples? What do the statistics reveal about introverted leaders? What are their key characteristics and strengths? What are the challenges they face in today’s organizations?
The 4Ps
This well-tested, progressive four-step strategy is used by successful introverted leaders to build on their quiet strength and make it a source of great power. First, preparation: carefully devise a game plan for any potentially anxiety-provoking situation. Then, presence: knowing you’re prepared, be completely focused on the present moment. Then you can push—go beyond your comfort zone. And finally, practice, practice, practice—including networking, making presentations, and handling meetings. A newly revised quiz helps pinpoint where to amplify your quiet strengths and when to consider flexing your style.
A Deeper Dive: Applying the 4Ps
We will review responses from The Introverted Leader Quiz and help participants to focus in on areas of strength and improvement needs. After that, we will apply the 4Ps process to challenging leadership scenarios like networking, making presentations, and handling meetings. Plenty of time will be provided to practice skills and gain confidence. We will also learn ways to create a more introvert-friendly team and workplace.
Action Planning: Setting Yourself Up For Success
We will review which tips and tools can make an immediate difference, and focus on putting those into action. The follow-up group coaching session (described below) will offer an opportunity to review progress and set new goals that are based on these plans.
Telephone group coaching sessions take place 10-14 days after the class. Each group will have up to 4-5 class participants. We will focus on the specific progress made on your action plan. Gaps and improvement needs will be addressed through coaching from the facilitator and peers.

We had the pleasure of hosting Jennifer at an “Unplugged Session” that our organization sponsored for our employees. The engagement across the team in response to her book “The Introverted Leader” was amazing! Jennifer has a unique way of connecting with people and promotes an open level of discussion. This approach led to strong, open dialogue across our organization during her session. I believe that this topic will now be more broadly discussed among our employees which is important as we continue to scale our business. Thank you Jennifer for being a strong “introvert” advocate!
Jennifer Mascioli-Tudor, MBAFormer Vice President, Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs and Operational Excellence at Outset Medical

Contact us for inquiries or to book Jennifer.