Videos Highlight Introverts and Extroverts


I love videos of introverts and extroverts that make me smile AND nail home points. My client Stephanie Roemer, Director of Diversity at Freddie Mac told me she had seen this amusing BuzzFeed video highlighting the differences between introverts and extroverts.  We will show it at the SHRM Diversity and Inclusion Conference and Exposition later this month when we present on the topic of Creating an Introvert-Friendly Work Culture. We think it will be one way to bring up our differences with humor.

Do you think the I’s or E’s get a worse rap in this one? Maybe it depends through whose eyes you are watching it. I think when our traits are exaggerated they all can be very amusing (and very annoying at times).

As organizations increasingly encourage introverted leaders to step confidently into their roles the next step awaits. How do we get introverts and extroverts, those Genius Opposites, to thrive together?

Video is a great way to get people talking. Another group I worked with used their video camera to interview random team members about their perceptions of different personality types. The video clips were shown at a company meeting and people discussed their assumptions and challenges.

Related to learning strategies, in last week’s blog post I shared some ideas from a piece I wrote for Chief Learning Officer called How To Make Your Learning More Introvert-Friendly. 

So to make your points and encourage dialogue in presentations and meetings consider using video to get it done!



One more video shout out…Thank you to video blogger, writer and higher educational administrator Amma Marfo for her terrific video review of The Genius of Opposites. I just received her new book, Light It Up:Engaging the Introverted Student Leader  and based on her previous writing, can’t wait to read it!





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