Test Your Introvert Knowledge


Recently, I ran these questions by a class and they did pretty well. How about you?  I will be addressing each of them in upcoming blog posts. 

Answer True or False and check your answers against the responses below. 

1.          Introverts prefer focused conversation to small talk. 

2.          Introverts are not typically good at public speaking.

3.          Introverted leaders achieve high performance levels from extroverted employees.

4.          Introverts prefer to use written vs. verbal communication.

5.          Quiet time is not essential for introverts.

6.          Give introverts time to prepare in order to get the best out of them.

7.          Introverts don’t mind being asked the question, “What’s wrong?”.

8.          Introverts often use social media as a tool to learn and observe.




Answers: 1. T  2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6.T 7.F 8. T



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