More than living. Thriving by “do not disturb.”


I had the pleasure of responding to some interview questions from one of my introverted leader role models. Arianna Huffington. She has created a movement called ThriveGlobal and the site has SO many resources to help us learn ways of unplugging, recharging and getting back to a healthy way of living. We can learn how to thrive.

Arianna ‘s questions helped me reflect on the flow of my day. I think that it is so helpful to examine our daily habits and adjust them towards more balance. I promote continual self-assessment with my clients and colleagues and it is important to practice what I preach. By sharing our own struggles and small wins we can achieve what Arianna promotes “More than living. Thriving.”

Check out her great books The Sleep Revolution and  Thrive for some compelling research AND practical strategies.  I guarantee you will improve your energy and outlook. Sleep is definitely underrated!

Here is an excerpt from the interview:

Thrive Global: What’s the first thing you do when you get out of bed? 

Jennifer Kahnweiler: I grew up with the NY Times so I open my IPAD and read the paper in order to connect to the outside world. This routine also brings back comforting images of my parents and their morning ritual.

TG:   What gives you energy? 

JK: I am an extrovert, so connecting with people is my high. I especially like a good dose of conversation after thinking and writing.

TG: What is your secret life hack? 

JK: Keeping perspective. Asking myself “How important is it?” or “Will I remember this a year from now?”

TG: Name a book that changed your life. 

JK: When I was 10 years old I read a book about the pioneering social worker, Jane Addams who founded the settlement house Hull House in Chicago. I loved reading about the power one woman could have. I knew then that I wanted to make helping people the focus of my work.

TG: Tell us about your relationship with your phone. Does it sleep with you? 

JK: I often have to remember that I have the power in the relationship! I can turn it off, turn it on, use the “Do Not Disturb” function or move it to the next room. I am constantly looking for ways to manage this relationship. I admit that I do often keep it in the bedroom because I like the alarm options.

A bit more here:)



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