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Airplanes Skidding In A Snow Storm | by Anirudh Koul
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Airplanes Skidding In A Snow Storm

You don't wanna fly from this runway!


Was flying of from Montreal to London via Toronto. As luck would have it, my itenary was greeted with a massive snow storm. While trying to take off, the plane started to skid on the runway (plus the snow on the runway made the takeoff as bumpy as driving a 4x4 around the Grand Canyon). The next try also failed. Later, the plane was washed and sprayed with a greenish liquid, right on the runway. One more try, and we were off in the air! The pilot got a 'sitting ovation' once we got in air.


Captured through my plane window. Seen better in bigger size.

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Taken on March 5, 2008
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